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Updated: Jan 18, 2021

Covid-19 isolation has led us to review our ways of networking and conducting business meetings and interviews. We may not be able to meet face to face so how do we create a lasting impression in online meetings?

Treat online meetings as face-to-face meetings. Wearing the right clothes and make-up is essential. Imagine you are going to be on stage – like an actor wearing makeup and the right colours to help convey a positive, first impression.

Have you ever noticed how makeup artists often fuss over people (including politicians) when they are making special appearances on TV? They want the presenter to make a great first impression – to make them appear likeable, healthy and trustworthy.

  1. So here are 7 tips to help you look your best online:

  2. Wear a colour of trust, such as blue or wear your best colours.

  3. Avoid light colours as they can make you look ill. Also don’t wear bright red or dark colours as it can be too harsh on your complexion.

  4. Don’t wear tops with lines because they can become distorted on the screen.

  5. Wear a bit of makeup, especially some lipstick (but not too bright!). You don’t want to give an impression of not looking well with colleagues, current or future clients. What makeup does is give a bit of colour and contour to your face – giving you a ‘healthy’ look.

  6. Have the light situated in front of you – not behind you. Use a lamp (LED, halo) behind your laptop/iPad/ smart phone. If necessary, raise the light with a few books or a stand to make it stable so you can move it where you want it. You can also buy these special light gadgets.

  7. Have your video turned on – people trust those they see.

  8. Make sure you project your voice loud and clear. Test beforehand.

Lately, there have been people being caught in embarrassing circumstances. Watch people moving around if at home and importantly, dress appropriately.

Try these tips next time you have an online meeting. And pay attention to how you look: are you within the frame, are you looking enthusiastic and are you smiling?

If you get this right, you have a good chance of making a positive first impression.

- Soraya Raju, CEO and Founder of Migrate Success.

Cultural integration expert and creator of the LAB program©

LOOK, ACT, BELONG - For professionals and skilled migrants

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